Reality, Honesty, Stupidity...zoomed. Exaggerating is an art!

Lessons I can learn from diarrhea

This post is rather 'jijik' if you ask me but don't you think that we have to always be true to ourselves?
Here are some lessons I can learn from suffering from diarrhea for five days:
1. I got more than I thought I do.
2. There is a limit for everything. You'll know it when you're there.
3. During the injection, DON'T MOVE!!! (I'm serious about this one).
4. Injections do not always have to be on your butt. So, ask FIRST!!!
5. Cute ones are everywhere--even in the ER!! (I'm not talking about the ghosts, guys!)
6. Be careful when you want to get on the hospital bed. It moves. It has a mind of its own!! (At least mine does)
7. No happy ending in the hospital. Sure you'll live,...but you have to pay!!
8. We cannot withdraw money at ANY ATM at around twelve to one at night.
9. When things are done, don't say 'SEE YOU'.

If you really did "See You"... well... hahahahaha...
This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard today :D :D :D

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Jakarta, Indonesia
There is a time in a man's life when he has to make a very important decision that will affect his future. For me,'s writing this blog. ( Exaggerating is an art!!)

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