Reality, Honesty, Stupidity...zoomed. Exaggerating is an art!



Revlon and L’oreal were so like last year. They could not keep up with what was going on with the world. The 97 scientists were the “wow” now. Twenty of them were the ones stealing from Joe. They kept being on top at all costs. However, it is still a team work. AURA had their own journalism—spreading necessary news and information about a product for a certain condition of nature and sometimes, just sometimes, they write about a certain condition of of nature and later come up with just the right solution in form of a product for about six month after the issue.
These things continue. Issues come and go until one that did but not from AURA. It is an old-fashioned problem getting hundred more times threatening. It is the unfriendliness of our ozone.

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Jakarta, Indonesia
There is a time in a man's life when he has to make a very important decision that will affect his future. For me,'s writing this blog. ( Exaggerating is an art!!)

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