Reality, Honesty, Stupidity...zoomed. Exaggerating is an art!

The imitation of Daffodil's blog--Cepluk's Kitchen

Welcome to Cepluk's Kitchen straight from the exaggerating jupiterian. LOL.

Cheese Cake Factory has been my most and as a matter of fact, only favorite for cakes!!!
Tonight I bought MIXED FRUIT CHEESE CAKE from their store in South Jakarta. I was passing that road when I saw the logo calling me:
"Come,...come, can never hide from me! hi hi hi hi (Mc Lampir's effect).
So I stopped by and looked at the collection of the cakes. I was looking for BLUEBERRY of course but I wasn't lucky. However, I directly knew what I should choose instead. I went for MIXED FRUIT CHEESE CAKE

As you can see from the picture (mmmm yummyyyyyyyy) this is a state-of the-art cake. Everything about this cake is so soft....even the seller--I had to go like a deaf person confirming what I wanted. The fruit were very nice and not rude. Feels like I didn't even have to chew them. They just flew along my deep throat leaving traces of the cheesy cream.

The coating looked like a fresh piece of wood being cut down directly from a mother tree for the pleasure of a hungry man. Who cared for mother nature when what's in front of you is such pleasure for the eyes? LOL.

I was not satisfied with JUST the surface. Gotta go down deep. So I literally ripped the cake of and found...magic!!!!
The inside of the cake smelled very good and tickle my passion for anything!!! I tried to keep my cool by using the small spoon--I would prefer licked things. LOL.
I was thrilled to see the broken cake. Then I knew that this cake was not only arousing from the outside but it was also like that from the within it.

I went down on my knees to admire the beauty in its taste. Yummyyyyyyyyy. Now I understand why Dracula can't stand the temptation of blood!

The cake seemed to challenge my manhood to finish it all. I took the challenge and destroy every inch of it...leaving the ruins of what used to be a temptating history of the great flour, egg, fruit and of course cheese!

"What a night." I sighed.

Dedicated especially for Daff. Guys,'re next!


mmm..mau mamer bis makan kue enak ya??? hehehe


versi ini sampe ada 'manhood'nya.SEYEEEMMM!!!!

why did you leave out the kiwi fruit??

moon: saving the best for last? :)

About Me

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Jakarta, Indonesia
There is a time in a man's life when he has to make a very important decision that will affect his future. For me,'s writing this blog. ( Exaggerating is an art!!)

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