Reality, Honesty, Stupidity...zoomed. Exaggerating is an art!

Stutter free world for everyone

I was browsing the internet when I found an article about a stuttering child. That article takes me back when I was young--as if I were 50 now. LOL

I stuttered as a child. I remember having to prepare myself saying "STOP" miles away before I reach my destination in a public transportation. I also remembered that my sis had to hit me roughly on my back so that I continued what I was about to say. Those were tough times.

What about now? Well, family's amazement on me will never stop, I guess. I mean,...I was like that and now I am a trainer??????
I speak in front of people now. But does that mean I passed my stuttering times? Not really. At times I get stuttered but I am more in control, now. It's a hardwork I have to say.

The article I read mentioned about causes and also tips in handling children who stutter. I have to say that I know exactly why I was like that (cant tell you here, though--too private) and I also find out that my family did SOME of the tips to help me out. However, the rest of the recovery were purely an individual effort and God's bless. Guys, if you happen to have a stuttering child or friend, nice to them, ok. They are experienceing hardships, you know.

I just hope that one day this world will be stutter free. I mean what;s the use of being in a free country while you can't even pass the barrier of being stutter?


J.jjee...kok kok arrt aart..artikellnya ga di dibubuat linknya sih....Peace...hehehe:)

I always amaze at what a person can do when he really has to fight for it

Kalo elo ngomong kecepetan juga suka tergagap gagap. Yg di otak pengen buru buru dikeluarin siih.... :-)

xort: gakkkkpapaapaapaa lah..
qq:hy there. trust me,...i do put a lot of fight in it :)
daff: suka g tahaaaaaaaaan.

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Jakarta, Indonesia
There is a time in a man's life when he has to make a very important decision that will affect his future. For me,'s writing this blog. ( Exaggerating is an art!!)

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