Reality, Honesty, Stupidity...zoomed. Exaggerating is an art!

How do you know that u worth it?

The title came up based on my experience. This couple of weeks I have been having self-questioning about my future in the company I work for. I did share some thoughts and request some opinions from my friends--well, some others just think that they deserve to know and demanded to kno which I didn't exactly know why. Anyway, I had these three best friends with their own colors. Let's just say that they are red, green and blue.

I shared what happened to me to the three because I think each of them would give very nice and valuable thoughts about the WHYS behind the SHOULDs and SHOULDNTs. And so they did ( I am very glad that they did!). And there was a decision time. I decide to stay in the company with whatever come what may, lah. But I did something stupid. Or I shoudld've said...DIDN'T. I didn't tell ALL of them about my decision. As a matter of fact, I told other colors when I didnt tell them.

Now,,...Let me do a couple of self-defense movements, ok.
The first reason and the biggest of all is that I did not think that my case is THAT important to them. I mean they have their own business and I know that they are freakin busy with so many things. And my case is just about a man who wants to quit his job. That'a all I have in mind.

The second reason that I told the other colors was that I came across them online and I seriously got things to discuss.

The third reason (for telling one of the colors intead of all of them) was that, one day I was stranded in my headquarter office--I work in a branch--and I got no place to go while waiting for my big boss. So I stayed there and shared to BLUE about my decision.

I guess I was not being fair to the GREEN and the RED. And that's how I know how much I worth to all of them. Inspite of their busy busy busy (and busy) lives, they still thought of me. And I was always thinking that my case is just another dynamic of the office politics. Well,...I am learning my lesson now. Now I can say to myself:
"Je, worth your friends attention and vie versa!!!"

Sorry Green, Sorry Red.
Thank you Green, Thank you Red.

ck ck ck,
kasian amat ya si green ama si red. kalo bisa milih, mereka pasti pengen dibilang blue karena blue itu warna kesukaan mereka. :-P

Tell me again, what color am I?

i am not red
i am not green
i am not blue
i am just gray

About Me

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Jakarta, Indonesia
There is a time in a man's life when he has to make a very important decision that will affect his future. For me,'s writing this blog. ( Exaggerating is an art!!)

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