Reality, Honesty, Stupidity...zoomed. Exaggerating is an art!

Google Chrome Fanatic


This is it!!! I have found THE ONE. It's Google Chrome. I did write a lot about Google Chrome previously in this blog. And now I am going to write some more.

Google Chrome has EXTENSIONS!!! It is the same as ADD-ONs in other browsers. But I'm telling you this...It's COMPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEETE!

First, download Google Chrome riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight hereeeeeeeeeeeee and install it.Then, click this link and have your way with Google Chrome.

What do you want to do? Beautify your facebook? No problematico. Clean your browsing history in a way that no other browsers do it? Pleaseeee. Are you forgetful? Want Mr. Chrome to remind you about your appointments and dates? Ha--ha--,...e-a-s-y! Wana paly screen capture and editing? Go on,... Want to turn the lights off when you are watching videos from Youtube? You can have a theater-like experience provided by Mr. C.
Let's go on,..with WORDS to Pdf. And also making specific movements to your mouse to tell things you want your browser to do. Hate ads you don't need? Wipe them! For bloggers,...try BLOG THIS!!! And this indeed!!!!

My favorite of all is FASTEST CHROME. It allows you to download the second page of your first page. So that when you are reading your first page and wana go to the second page, wait no more. It is ready at the bottom of your first page!!!! Ain't that grand!!!

Go get Google Chrome and thousand of its extensions for free. Chrome yourself!!!!

ternyata gue bukan visual learner juga ternyata. baca promosi bukannya mudheng. wakakakak.

LO loncat aj deh ke TTD and gw bikinin. Kalo gt masih g mudeng juga? Kakakakakakak.

About Me

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Jakarta, Indonesia
There is a time in a man's life when he has to make a very important decision that will affect his future. For me,'s writing this blog. ( Exaggerating is an art!!)

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