Reality, Honesty, Stupidity...zoomed. Exaggerating is an art!


After I put all my baggage, I sat down on the bed of the hotel room. It was a king-sized one. It was cols. It was clean. Then I started to bounce myself a little. It felt great. It felt so great that I decided to bounce myself again. And again. And again. And higher. And faster.

Then I stood up and unbuttoned my shirt. I stopped halfway. i climbed the bed. I bounced myself like a feather of a bird. It's a NEVERLAND in Peter Pan! So this was how it must feel. Nice..light.I bounced myself about seven times. I felt great but tired. So I stopped.

I unloaded my baggage. I brought only three shirts and two trouser--one jeans in the name of "travel light". I chose the lightest shirt of all. I put it on the bed. Then I took my digital camera.I lied down on the bed and threw that shirt up high. I did it again. And again. And the third time, it wet pretty high and I captured it. It looked nice. It was like a shirt of an invisible ghost flying down to earth.

I looked at my watch that said "Bath time!". I stripped naked and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water tap for the bathtub. I waited for 15 to see the water just right for me to plunge in. And I did,...right feet first. It was warm enough for me. Then my whole body started to give in to the temptation. And there were us--me and the bath water.
I lied downward. I put my head to rest by the bathtub. I lit my cigarette and watched the smoke circled in the air. Where did it go? Where did all the smokes go?
I mimicked my face in such a way that I felt that I looked sad. Then I felt sad. I felt so sad and did not blink for several minutes till my eyes went wet and my biology started to add some drops of the bath water. 

I wiped my tears. I changed positions. Now I was on my side. My right hand fell down helplessly on the side of the side of the bathtub with my fingers holding my cigarette. I was in my Mom's womb. Then I mimicked a sad face and the tears came again. I let it flow for some times. Then I took a shower and went out of the bath room. I turned my laptop on and started to write a title:


i don't see bubble bath and sleeping on your list. wekekekekekek.

xort: hi back atcha..
daff: kakakakkaka. dasar...

About Me

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Jakarta, Indonesia
There is a time in a man's life when he has to make a very important decision that will affect his future. For me,'s writing this blog. ( Exaggerating is an art!!)

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