Reality, Honesty, Stupidity...zoomed. Exaggerating is an art!

mission accomplished!!!

Sergeant Je was sent to a battle field in the form of a seminar in Bandung. The short notice was quite amazing for him. It was rather startleing that he had to face the audience alone. But he followed orders given to him.

After a meeting in his office, Sergeant Je was given a salute and headed off to Bandung. he arrived at the battle field to measure the real battle happening the next day. He tried to analyze his possibility in winning this designed-to-lose war. He gathered sufficient information then headed back to his barrack in Bandung to take a rest.

Did that happen? Of course not. Along with him was a queen of shopping and a tank driver. They wanted to explore the city. Sergeant Je followed their plan to fulfill their desire. What a noble sergeant he is!!!!

The journey was a flop in which the quuen and the driver failed to engage themselved in culinary tourism and the hunt for pleasure. Sergeant Je was very determined to make them feel good and came up with the activity in which the three of them were making moments immortal--photographs taking.

The friends of Sergeant Je who know him well, understand that he will NEVER take a photograph in a cool manner. Sergeant Je is the kind of man who is never ashamed in look silly but fun at the same time. He designed the photo taking projects to be that kind. The results were great photos in my own sense of creativity. Look below!

After all was done, Sergeant Je begged to go back to the barrack coz he still had to load his gun with amunition for the battle the next day. He stayed up until two thirty in the morning making sure that he would be ready to fight.

The D day came. He was fully loaded and ready to win the battle. The enemy attacked him by a special weapon called : critical questions!
Sergeant Je was able to return all the questions single--handedly (the battle was supposed to be fought by 4 personnels)!

Did Sergeant Je win the battle? Yes, he did and he was very proud of it!!!
Mission accomplished!!!
Congrats, Sergeant, Je!!!


makannya juga dicover utk 4 personnel juga ngga? secara kan sergeant Je orang baik? sayang kalo ngga dimakan. :-D

sitha mau bantuin? Siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!

mana piring sendok garpunyaaa?

Je...elo itu trainer ama tentara ya???....bingung gw

exort: aku adalah kegelapan malam yang berombak. aku adalah kebenaran yang terusik. aku adalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah darkwing duck!!!!

About Me

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Jakarta, Indonesia
There is a time in a man's life when he has to make a very important decision that will affect his future. For me,'s writing this blog. ( Exaggerating is an art!!)

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